The Alcohol. Think Again Perth Heat are committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle in the community.
Perth Heat and Team Australia pitcher Dan Schmidt shares his Top 5 injury prevention tips!
- Ensure that your body and mind gets 8 hours of sleep a night so that your body has time to recover.
- Regular stretching and massage prevents muscles from tightening up which increases the risk of strains and tears. Dynamic stretching through movements you will use throughout your activity is ideal. Massage balls and foam rollers are great if you don’t have a trainer/physio.
- Staying well hydrated keeps your body performing at it’s optimal level and increases energy.
- Using correct equipment. Example- Wearing incorrect shoes may slip on certain surfaces. Cleats or shoes with spikes are recommended on the baseball field.
- Icing existing niggles and soreness plus swimming for some slight resistance training.
Perth Heat Captain and Team Australia Co-Captain Tim Kennelly also shares his top 5 tips to keep fit and healthy.
- Stretching before activities. Doing both a static and active warmup ensuring to stretch and engage each muscle group.
- Pre-game sprints. Making sure to do at least 5 sprints before each game (2 at 100%)
- Pre-game catch. Making sure you throw to max distance and again ensuring you’re making throws at 100% before you take the field.
- Keeping well hydrated before, during and after games/practice. Through water and electrolytes.
- Recovery. Post game, post morning stretching, foam rolling, self massage, range of motion exercises.